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AI stretches some of the most famous paintings in history

Have you ever wondered what the rest of the Starry Night looks like? A user on Twitter (@heykody), has combined the power of AIs (Artificial Intelligences) with Adobe Firefly to "imagine" what the backgrounds of the world's most famous paintings might look like.

Kody Young is the founder of AI Interpreter, a company that offers machine translation services based on neural networks. On his twitter account, @heykody, he often shares information and opinions about the world of AI and its applications.

On May 28, 2023, Kody posted a Twitter thread, here you can find his best results:

Van Gogh's Starry Night

Terrace cafe at night, Van Gogh

Nighthawks, Hopper

Composition with red, blue and yellow, Mondrian

The Bedroom, Van Gogh

The Garden of Earthly Delights, Bosch

The Arnolfini Marriage, Jan van Eyck

The Birth of Venus, Botticelli

The Swing, Fragonard

What is your opinion, can AI really contribute something, or is it merely anecdotal? Some of these works are exhibited in museums such as the Prado Museum or the Louvre Museum. If you are interested in the subject we recommend El Prado Guía de Arte, an essential art guide to discover and learn the essentials of the greatest works, artists and styles in the Prado Museum, including authors and analysis of these and other works. You can also find our book The Louvre Art Guide.

'The Prado Art Guide' available at: